Re: Gtkmm Windows installers available

On Mon, 2008-10-06 at 19:29 -0400, Philip Kovacs wrote:
> * Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> [2008-10-07 00:46:40 +0200]:
> > > > Also, if you don't know where the GTK+ bundle has been extracted to, you
> > > > probably can't set the correct paths to the C header and library files
> > > > in the property sheets.
> > > 
> > > I use my own, customized MSVC build environment in which your property 
> > > sheets and environment vars are not needed.  Plain, archive packages of 
> > > different the binary series would be all I would ever need.
> > 
> > So why can't you just use the installer to get those binaries, and to
> > get them in the correct directory structure?
> I can, but I don't like installers.  They write to registry (horrible), 

But we just told you that it doesn't.

> perform activity I have no control over (horrible),

But we told you that it just installs the files and optionally sets an
environment variable.

>  and require that the
> installation be done with Windows itself (horrible).

I don't understand. How could you install things on Windows without
using Windows?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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