Re: Gtkmm Windows installers available

* Damon Register <damonregister bellsouth net> [2008-10-05 06:10:36 -0400]:

> Urs Stotz wrote:
>> A way to solve this problem with different MSVS versions (and service 
>> pack)
>> could be to split the installer in two pieces the C part with GTK+
>> and the C++ part with GTKmm and create a builder for GTKmm.
> This seems like a good idea to me
>> Is anyone interested in a GTKmm builder?
> Yes.  Since I have run into these problems myself, I would like to see
> a builder.

I'm happy just using the Gtk+ all-in-one "bundle" for the C stuff already 
on the Gtk+download page (for the C libraries).

My preference for the C++ libraries would be similar zip archives containing
only the C++ packages and deps (gtkmm,atkmm,gdkmm,pangomm,cairomm,sigc++), 
organized in the standard tree: ./bin ./lib ./include etc.

I am not a big fan of "installers" as they write to the registry.  I prefer 
zip archives that have no such side-effects.


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