Re: Calling GUI function from Thread

Hi Taha Ali,

On Sun, 9 Sep 2007 you sent me a message saying :

Thanks for the reply.

You should reply always to the list, not to me personally. I'm far from an expert and even if I was I might miss things. Reply to the list to get the benefit of a far wider knowledge base.

Actually, the API that I am using wants me to
register a callback function that would report to me the progress of
the function that I have called in my thread. This callback is not able
to see the Glib::Dispatcher variable from my application class. 

Is it actually not possible to make it see it? Surely you could use libsigc++ to pass a method of your application instance as the call-back?

pseudo code is like this:

class Application
            Glib::Dispatcher report_message_signal;
            static some_callback_func(arg1, arg2, arg3);

Register_API_Callback_func(some_callback_func, .......);

Glib::Thread::create(thread_function ......);

API_Function(); //Takes around 10 seconds



//This function is internally called by the API giving info about the
progress that API_Function
//is making and it is from here that I have to set text, in order to
report guiding messages, in the
//label. I know that this is not right but what other options do you
think I have.


Thanks and Regards,

On 9/8/07, Robert Pearce <rob bdt-home demon co uk> wrote:
 On Sat, 8 Sep 2007, Taha Ali <tahaarifali gmail com> wrote :
 >I am facing problem in calling a gui function from a thread.

 Don't do that.

 >I am trying to set_text these messages in a label but after
 >first normal execution of this thread, the gui hangs on the next

 So don't do that.

 >When I dont try to set_text any
 >thing from this callback function, it works just fine showing me
 >display (std::cout) on the screen.

 So don't do that!

 >Need help.

 OK, incase you haven't already guessed, the answer is DON'T call GTK
 from a thread. It doesn't like it at all.

 The function in your thread should use Glib::Dispatcher (or
 to ask the main (gui) thread to set the text.
 Rob Pearce             

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Rob Pearce             

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