Re: how can I set up a passive Gtk::CheckButton with just a tooltip?

It's not possible to totally hijack events like you've previously
tried by connecting to signal handlers; they are all run-last and the
widget will get the events either way first.

The best bet would be deriving from GtkCheckButton and blocking all
events by overriding the default handlers; but i think creating a
small widget that paints a Gtk+ checkbox is a saner solution.

Furthermore, or rather generally, though, you should consider that
people are used to have checkboxes as interactive items, so a checkbox
that's not interactive might confuse people; of course that's said
without knowing the exaxt context in which you're using this so it's
possible it doesn't really apply.

On 9/8/07, Robert Pearce <rob bdt-home demon co uk> wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Sep 2007, Christopher Lang <christopher lang acurana de> wrote
> :
> >       How can I set up a CheckButton, that is *not* greyed out, but apart from a
> >tooltip is totaly passive?
> >(set_sensitive (false) disables tooltips).
> When I wanted to do that, I ended up resorting to creating my own widget
> (which I called GtkLamp) by copying the GtkButton source and tweaking
> it. That's based on a standard button, but could very easily be turned
> into a CheckLamp. If nobody else comes up with an easier solution I'll
> post my source for you.
> --
> Rob Pearce             
> The contents of this | Windows NT crashed.
> message are purely   | I am the Blue Screen of Death.
> my opinion. Don't    | No one hears your screams.
> believe a word.      |
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