Re: Calling GUI function from Thread

On Sat, 8 Sep 2007, Taha Ali <tahaarifali gmail com> wrote :
I am facing problem in calling a gui function from a thread.

Don't do that.

I am trying to set_text these messages in a label but after
first normal execution of this thread, the gui hangs on the next call. 

So don't do that.

When I dont try to set_text any
thing from this callback function, it works just fine showing me the
display (std::cout) on the screen.

So don't do that!

Need help.

OK, incase you haven't already guessed, the answer is DON'T call GTK from a thread. It doesn't like it at all.

The function in your thread should use Glib::Dispatcher (or g_idle_add) to ask the main (gui) thread to set the text.
Rob Pearce             

The contents of this | Windows NT crashed.
message are purely   | I am the Blue Screen of Death.
my opinion. Don't    | No one hears your screams.
believe a word.      |

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