Re: Displaying a "hierarchy" of classes in a TreeView

Aaron Geier wrote:

I'm not an expert on gtkmm, but I'll try to take a stab at this one.

>From what I understand of TreeView is that the TreeView is the display and the TreeModel is the data that can be displayed by a TreeView.

That being said, TreeView uses a class called CellRenderer[1] to display the view...

So what you're attempting to do is add something that is not a CellRenderer to the TreeView display, which, I believe, cannot be done.

You see, the TreeModel contains specific types of data (i.e. ustrings, integers, booleans, and doubles) and the TreeView has a way of displaying those types of data using CellRenderers.  By default, if you use a column that is a ustring, it will choose a CellRenderText as the CellRenderer, unless you tell it to use a different CellRenderer.

Does that make any sense at all?

-Aaron Geier

Thanks Aaron for trying to answer my question. As I mentioned in my original post, I have a series of "interconnected" classes (by pointers). The connections are uni-directional which determines which is the parent and which are "ancestors". Children, themselves can also have children so the tree relationship is somewhat "intricate".

As I mentioned in my last post, I think I found a solution: What I've done so far is to derive all the classes from a single base class (though some have multiple inheritances) which I call "Element". I then defined a class derived from Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord class with a single Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Element> member which looks like the following:

   class Columns : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord {
           { add(element); }
       Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Element> element;

   Columns columns;

I can now successfully create the TreeStore (the model) using something like

   Gtk::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeStore> treeStoreRefPtr =

I am also able to "treeStoreRefPtr->append()" rows, etc. within the tree and set them by using code like the following:

   Gtk::TreeStore::iterator rowIter = treeStoreRefPtr->append();
   Gtk::TreeStore::Row row = (*rowIter);
   row[columns.element] = <One of My classes>;

So so far, I seem to be able to build the model just fine.

What I was asking basically is: How can I have the TreeView "display" these classes and as you mentioned, the TreeView uses CellRenderers. I found this excerpt from Chap. 8 of programming guide:

         Adding View Columns

   You can use the |append_column()| method to tell the View that it
   should display certain Model columns, in a certain order, with a
   certain column title.

     m_TreeView.append_column("Messages", m_Columns.m_col_text);
   When using this simple |append_column()| override, the |TreeView|
   will display the model data with an appropriate |CellRenderer|. For
   instance, strings and numbers are shown in a simple |Gtk::Entry|
   widget, and booleans are shown in a |Gtk::CheckButton|. This is
   usually what you need. *For other column types you must either
   connect a callback that converts your type into a string
   representation, with |TreeViewColumn::set_cell_data_func()|, or
   derive a custom |CellRenderer|.* Note that (unsigned) short is not
   supported by default - You could use (unsigned) int or (unsigned)
   long as the column type instead.

So I think I'll have to use the "set_cell_data_func()" in TreeViewColumn or derive a custom CellRenderer as mentioned above. So far, I think things are working. At first I didn't know where to start (it was a bit overwhelming), but I think I should be able to figure things out now. If you have any comments I'd appreciate them and I'll post again if I get stuck. :-) Thanks again.


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