Re: Displaying a "hierarchy" of classes in a TreeView

José Alburquerque wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm new to gtkmm though I think I understand the basics of gtkmm from the "Programming with gtkmm" tutorial. However, I'm really stumped at implementing a TreeView. As I understand it it needs a TreeModel both of which ListStore and TreeStore are.

For the project I'm developing I believe I'd need something like a TreeStore for the model because the rows in the intended TreeView will have children. Here's my question:

I've developed a series of "hierarchical" classes (not in the sense of inheritance, but in the sense of one being a child of another, etc.) and the hierarchy can be somewhat intricate and moderately deep.

What I'm trying to do is display the hierarchy in a TreeView (by class name or a description of the class), but it's difficult for me to wrap my mind around what I need to do. I notice that the TreeStore::create() method requires TreeModel::ColumnRecord, but what's confusing me is that my classes are not string classes so I don't know how I could represent them using the ColumnRecord.

Might any of you illuminate me a little as to how I might go about displaying my hierarchy of classes in a TreeView? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.


I'm sorry, I went further into the programming guide and the portion on the actual TreeView (not the model) goes into CellRenderers. I think this is what I was looking for. Sorry about that and thanks.


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