Re: segmentation faults under win32 but not linux (kubuntu) ?!

On 12/11/06, oedipus <alexander arnoldt gmx de> wrote:

yes it is crashing both times, when I run it in the debuger as well as
application. I also tried to narrow it down with the debuger. It seems that
those segmentation faults happend when I hand over some pointers from one
class to another. The wired thing is just that everything runs just fine
under linux and I don't see any reason why it is failing. I would provide
also some code but it is to much.

Well, when your program crashes, you can examine the value of the
pointers using the debugger (are they NULL?  did you initialize them
so that you're not following garbage data?) and figure out why there's
a problem.  But it sounds like this is basic debugging stuff, and not
really gtkmm-related, I think.


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