Re: Missing sigc++-2.0.pc and sigc++.h from gtkmm-win32-devel-2.10.2-2.exe

On 12/6/06, Tomasz Ostrowski <tometzky batory org pl> wrote:

There is a reference to some /home/ivan/* directory in at least one
pkg-config file. It doesn't break anything - I think it is just

Known issue with the GTK+ installer (not the gtkmm one). Just leave it as is.

And may I suggest to make stripped runtime libraries also available
in ZIP format - so it will be easy to extract them. Now I have to
uninstall gtkmm-devel, install gtkmm-runtime, copy libraries,
uninstall gtkmm-runtime and install gtkmm-devel back to be able to
ship needed libraries of tolerable size with my application.

This is on my todo list, along with a rewrite of the installer that
adds package management  and automatic updates.


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