Re: Missing sigc++-2.0.pc and sigc++.h from gtkmm-win32-devel-2.10.2-2.exe

On 12/2/06, Tomasz Ostrowski <tometzky batory org pl> wrote:

sigc++-2.0.pc file for pkg-config is missing from Windows GTKmm 2.10

$ pkg-config --cflags --libs glibmm-2.4
        Package sigc++-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
        Perhaps you should add the directory containing `sigc++-2.0.pc'
        to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
        Package 'sigc++-2.0', required by 'GLibmm', not found

I've created this file myself, based on linux sigc++-2.0.pc and
gtkmm-win32-devel's glibmm-2.4.pc. But then a linker could
not find sigc library. So I added an ugly hack to include
"-L${exec_prefix}/bin" in %{libdir}. This allowed my ./configure
script to finish.

But then it turned out that sigc++.h is missing also:
                sigc++/sigc++.h: No such file or directory


That was too much so I've uninstalled gtkmm-win32-devel-2.10.2-2. And
then I've found out that it uninstalled my sigc++-2.0.pc also! Why
did it uninstall a file which it did not install - I don't know.

I had this problem too, but 'solved' it by installing everything in
the installer (i.e. not de-selecting any documentation or anything).
See this thread from a couple days ago:


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