[gtkmm] Re: Still Pango::AttrList problems

Ok. This command has created a _subdirectory_ gtkmm2 inside your
package directory which contains the cvs sources. Move this directory
somewhere convinient and execute "./autogen.sh ; make" from inside it.
Uninstall the old gtkmm2 version ("make uninstall" inside your package dir) and install the new one ("make install" inside the new directory "gtkmm2").

Fine. Thanks for guidance.
I had to install doxygen (that I did not need to build 2.2.1) and I had to coment out "std::right" in line 118 of file /examples/markup/parser.cc

Besides, I had to run configure with my distribution options, after autogen and before make.

Now I do not get setmentation fault. On the other hand it seems that the label font size does not change (have I done something else wrong, or is it meant to be like that?)

Thanks again,

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