[gtkmm] Re: Still Pango::AttrList problems

Am 2003.04.04 13:03 schrieb(en) Enrico Costanza:
Thanks for your reply.

In your pango/src/attrlist.hg, can you see a line:

_IGNORE(pango_attr_list_insert) // hand code because we need to pass a copy of the attribute

I do not see it, rather I see the "TO DO: copy or reference? ...".

How can I get a fresh copy?
What I have done is: from the dir gtkmm-2.2.1 (where I unpacked the tar.gz file)

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome login

then (from the prompt again):

cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome co gtkmm2

Ok. This command has created a _subdirectory_ gtkmm2 inside your
package directory which contains the cvs sources. Move this directory
somewhere convinient and execute "./autogen.sh ; make" from inside it.
Uninstall the old gtkmm2 version ("make uninstall" inside your package dir)
and install the new one ("make install" inside the new directory "gtkmm2").

By the way, you can call

  cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome update

from inside the new directory "gtkmm2" to update your local copy of gtkmm2.



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