Re: [Patch] MinGW support for Glib-Object-Introspection

On 2012/06/23 at 05:57 PM, Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch gmx de> wrote:
On 21.06.2012 13:50, Martin Schlemmer wrote:
- I am not sure how to add 'build' to PATH for a dmake Makefile (will
do some more research when I get time)

Does cmd.exe not support the syntax that is currently used for 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH?  That is, simply prepend "PATH=build;%PATH%" to the 

It sets the PATH (to "build;%PATH% command" amusingly), but do not execute
the command. I'll look into dmake documentation again or jerry rig it with env.exe
or sh.exe for now (MSYS).

- Other scattered FIXME's etc. that I am not sure of (mostly due to
more recent versions and G-O-I being mostly unstable on win32)

Some comments:

• The missing libffi stuff is actually a genuine bug. 
gobject-introspection-1.0.pc lists libffi only as a private dependency 
(as of a few months ago), but we make use of libffi directly in the 
bindings.  I'm puzzled that this does not break Unix builds too.  Please 
adjust the libffi changes so that they are done on every OS.

I think on Linux LD is more forgiving if the library is a dependency of
a linked one (libgirepository/libgobject) than on Win32, but sadly I went
from full time on Linux to only now and then these days, so I can only
speculate as still link without specifying libffi explicitly.

• I recently changed the code in compile_test_libraries a little (to get 
rid of the issue mentioned in the FIXME comment).  Can you adapt your 
patch so that it applies to what is in git master?

Will do.

• Your rewritten compile_test_libraries will throw an exception when the 
compilation fails, aborting the Makefile.PL run.  The intention is that 
these failures are non-fatal.  Please change the code so that it simply 
returns a false value on failure.

The die's are in the eval block so it should not be an issue? I did that only
to print $@ on failure during debugging, but I'll change it to return only.

• In t/inc/ you have disabled the skip_all branch for MSWin32. 
But the tests still do need to be skipped if PATH is not set up 
correctly, right?

Yes, sorry, was while I was trying to get it to work - should not have crept
into the patch.


Vrywaringsklousule / Disclaimer: 

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