Re: Japanese input into Text Entry field

When I attempt to enter the kanji for 'okuru' which means to see somone (to
the door), or accompany someone, when it appears in the IME it appears as
éã. However, once I confirm that this is the kanji I want i.e. hit enter, it
appears in the entry field like the attachment to this email. This is a
different looking kanji.

Does anyone know why this would occur?

I can take a guess at this, if you don't tell Perl that data read from
a filehandle is UTF-8, then your data will most likely be munged.

Hi Brian,

I'm not actually reading the data from a filehandle or any other
source.  I'm typing it directly into my app after installing support
for Japanese on WinXP.

99% of the japanese kanji that I type and select from the IME are
correct.  It is only this one. And it is only in my Gtk app.

When I type it directly into firefox as per previous email, and hit
enter to confirm my selection it inserts the correct kanji at the
position of my cursor.  When I type it directly into Notepad, it
inserts the correct kanji.

An example script that demonstrates your problem would *really* help here.

I have included a very short example that is just a main window with
an entry field.  The screenshots attached show the order of operation.

1. Place the cursor in the entry field, change the Input method from
English to Japanese. Type into the entry field 'okuru' - without the
apostrophes. The IME changes roman characters to hiragana characters
based on their sounds.

2. Then press the space bar which brings up a list of kanji that match
the hiragana entered.  You can use the arrow keys to move up and down
the list.  I highlighted the one that matches this form of 'okuru'.

3. Pressing enter confirms the kanji selected from the list, however
when I press enter in my Gtk app I get the different kanji.  When I
press enter in Notepad I get the same one as selected.  When I press
enter in firefox I get the same kanji as selected.



Are there fonts specific to Gtk that I need to install?

Thanks again for any thoughts or ideas.


Attachment: 1.PhoneticallyTypedHiragana.JPG
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: 2.PressSpaceBar.JPG
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: 3.PressEnterToConfirm.JPG
Description: JPEG image

Attachment: WrongKanji.ui
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

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