Re: GError location filename as wide chars

Quentin Sculo <squentin free fr> writes:


If the docs are to be believed gtk_file_chooser_get_filename() returns
bytes, though it's marked as a gchar* return.  Eg. below in a
latin1 locale, click on browse then click on the y-dieresis file gives

    Malformed UTF-8 character (overflow at 0x1806ade8, byte 0x00, after start byte 0xff) in subroutine entry 
at /usr/lib/perl/5.10/Data/ line 190.

And a printf in the XS shows gtk_file_chooser_get_filename() returned a
bare '\xFF' byte.

But if you then press return in the entry box with that same file, it
comes out of gtk_file_chooser_get_filename() as actual utf8, where I
might have expected latin1.  (This is with gtk 2.12.11 and glib 2.18.4
at least.)  So I'm more confused than ever ...

impossible to use Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file with these files,

Is it gperl_filename_from_sv() which is to blame?  Or the return from
the chooser?

For gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file() it does look like it'd be much better off
passing a raw byte string straight through, since the first thing that
func does is simply fopen().

(As opposed to currently where gperl_filename_from_sv() does an
"upgrade" with SvPVutf8() then immediately downgrade again with

use strict;
use warnings;
use Gtk2 '-init';
use Data::Dumper;

{ open my $out, '>', "\x{FF}" or die; print $out "hello\n"; }

my $dialog = Gtk2::FileChooserDialog->new
  ('Try Save', undef, 'save',
   'gtk-save'   => 'accept',
   'gtk-cancel' => 'cancel');
  (response => sub {
     my $filename = $dialog->get_filename;
     print "utf8: ",(utf8::is_utf8($filename) ? "yes" : "no"),"\n";
     print Data::Dumper->new([$filename],['filename'])->Dump;

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