On Sun, 2005-05-29 at 16:39 +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
If there’s only a string value in a scalar, Perl converts it to an integer before doing any math, as we all know. So values < 2**32 automatically work, but there’s no actual difference to providing integers. Did you actually test with values that would overflow a Perl integer?
Yeah. And it seems to work. This Glib::Timeout -> add(5000, sub { my ($format, $pos) = $spider -> query("position", "time"); warn "$pos, ", $pos + 5 * GST_SECOND; $sink -> seek([qw/method-set flag-flush time/], $pos + 5 * GST_SECOND); return 1; }); prints: 5265102040, 10265102040 at player.pl line 48. 15127777777, 20127777777 at player.pl line 48. 24797437641, 29797437641 at player.pl line 48. ... GST_SECOND is 1_000_000_000. For reference: 2**32 is 4_294_967_296. I'm attaching the whole test program I used. -- Bye, -Torsten
Description: Perl program