Re: populating a TreeStore in reverse order

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 15:54:55 +0200, The Saltydog wrote:
On 6/22/05, Quentin <squentin free fr> wrote:
But if you want to display a partially read tree, you have to know
the root of the branch, you can't display leaves that are not
attached, directly or not, to a row at depth=0.

Yes, I know. That's why I cannot use this method. If I have to wait
for the last element (depth=0) I cannot display while loading. The
user should wait the end of the scanning process.

Do you know the path, or at least the depth of each node you're
adding? If so, you could create placeholder nodes for not-yet-existing
paths, and fill in their details as you work them out.

Or you could start by adding nodes to the root, and reparent them as
it becomes possible. That could be fun to watch, but possibly not
very useful.

        Peter Haworth   pmh edison ioppublishing com
'Even among the breathtakingly awful code in Pod/, that "feature"
 stands out as one of the more willfully pointless AND incorrect ones.'
                -- Sean M Burke

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