Subclassing SimpleList with signals

04:17AM <jodrell> morning all
04:21AM <jodrell> i've got a conundrum - i'm subclassing Gtk2::SimpleList, but want to add my own signals. but because SimpleList isn't registered with the GLib type system, i can't. is there a way to add signals after the startup?

SimpleList isn't registered because it's subclassed by simple perl reblessing. That means there's no GType for it. In C you probably could add signals after a type has been created, but we don't bind those functions in perl so you can't; even if you could, because there's no special GType for SimpleList, you'd be adding your signals to TreeView, which isn't what you want.

Now, there are two ways around this, so the question is, what are you trying to do?

a) If you need to add a signal that corresponds to something happening on the model, you can create your own model subclass, and then do

  my @ary;
  tie @ary, 'Gtk2::SimpleList::TiedList', $model;
  # fill the model
  @ary = ...;

I've often thought that this should be broken out into a more generally useful module, because the tied behavior really is the best part of the whole thing.

b) If you want to add signals to the view, then use the same functionality that is there to allow you to turn a glade-created TreeView into a SimpleList:

   my $view = MyCoolCustomTreeViewClass->new;
   my $slist = Gtk2::SimpleList->new_from_treeview ($view, ...);

And everything should Just Work. new_from_treeview() will replace whatever model was already in the view with a new one.

On the other hand, if you want to add signals to both the model and the view, then things get a little trickier. new_from_treeview() is hardcoded to create a Gtk2::ListStore, so you can't override the model class. The model instance is held not only in view, but also in the tied instance, and, worse, in closures used for the cell editing signals. In retrospect, that should be done a little more cleanly, fetching the model on demand from the slist instance. So, without a patch to SimpleList, you can't really use a custom implementation for both the view and the model.

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