Announcing Gtk2::Ex::TreeMap (0.02)

TreeMap is a space-constrained visualization of hierarchical
structures. They are fun to look at and play with and could be of use
too at times.

Gtk2::Ex::TreeMap is a perl implementation of the TreeMap concept. The
image is generated using GD. And Gtk2 provides "life" to the TreeMap
through mouse-over and clicked events.

To see an example generated using Gtk2::Ex::TreeMap, go to

The treemap shown there can be easily generated using the
./examples/ provided in the package. (The colors
don't mean anything as of now. They are just random and look pretty,
but you could always make the colors represent the file age etc etc
(patches anyone ?? ;))

I wrote this just 'cos I liked the pretty looking rectangles. Also,
it's been brewing in my mind for a long long while.

The module is LGPL for your enjoyment. You can find it in cpan

Of course, feedback / patches are welcome.



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