Re: GTKCombo: autocomplete?

Hi ,

En ce jour du Thu, 20 May 2004 10:58:04 +1000,
Daniel Kasak <dkasak nusconsulting com au> parlait ainsi :
I'm ready to take on auto-completion again.
I've read the above page on GtkEntryCompletion.
What I understand ( and I know I'm mixing Perl and C stuff here ):

my $gtkcompletion = gtk_entry_completion_new ()
creates a new gtkcompletion object

my $gtkentry = $window->get_widget('my_entry');
gets hold of my gtkentry widget
Sorry too wake up an old thread again , but what is this method ?
'get_widget' ?

Nowhere can i find a documentation for it . Is it home made ?

David 'lacravate'
lacravate mongueurs net
tresorier mongueurs net

Perl en France

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