Re: GTKCombo: autocomplete?

muppet wrote:

On Thursday, May 13, 2004, at 05:50 AM, Jan Hudec wrote:

On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 14:09:18 +1000, Daniel Kasak wrote:

I realise that this is not strictly a PerlGTK questions, but maybe someone knows anyway. I've got a GTKCombo box that I'm loading data into with $mycombo->set_popdown_strings(@list_of_companies). The combo box will contain a list of all of our clients - it's a pretty large list. Is it possible to have the combo box seek the closest match to what you type in the entry box ( yeah, like Access ).


Yes, you can. The GtkCombo contains a GtkEntry and GtkEntry has 'insert-text' and 'delete-text' signals. There are also some facilities in Gtk to do completions, which should be faster than regexps (after all, C is still faster than perl). Actualy, it should be filed as Gtk bug if GtkCombo does not do autocompletion automaticaly.

well, you could file a missing feature bug on GtkCombo, but it would be ignored -- GtkCombo is deprecated as of gtk+ 2.4.0, in favor of GtkComboBox.

in gtk+ 2.4, there are new object that will make it easier to do what you (Daniel) are talking about --- GtkComboBox sucks less than GtkCombo, and GtkEntry now has a helper object called GtkEntryCompletion, which, oddly enough, does text completion.

I'm ready to take on auto-completion again.
I've read the above page on GtkEntryCompletion.

What I understand ( and I know I'm mixing Perl and C stuff here ):

my $gtkcompletion = gtk_entry_completion_new ()
creates a new gtkcompletion object

my $gtkentry = $window->get_widget('my_entry');
gets hold of my gtkentry widget

gtk_entry_set_completion ($gtkentry, $gtkcompletion);
attaches the completion object to the entry object

What I can't figure, however, is:

a) How to pass the completion object a list of strings for the completion list
b) What the Perl equivalent of the above C functions are

Is there any documentation ( or examples ) yet on using the GtkEntryCompletion object from Perl?


Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
email: dkasak nusconsulting com au
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