Signals firing too often

I've got a Gtk2::SimpleList that triggers some code when a row is selected.
The signal I'm currently using is 'button_release_event'. I've tried a fair few others. The code that gets triggered updates the contents of the form, based on which row is selected. The update process refreshes the data in the Gtk2::SimpleList, which seems to trigger more events, and it doesn't matter which signal I use, they all seem to get triggered multiple times. Without any further modification, I get 3 events.

So I've added a global variable, $do_company_update, which I set to 0 right after the row is clicked, and before the rest of the code runs. If the 'refresh' code finds $do_company_update has a 1, it updates the SimpleList, otherwise if it finds a 0, it simply resets this to 1 and continues without refreshing the SimpleList. This reduces the number of my signals being fired from 3 to 2. I can't really see how the 2nd is being fired now.

The reason I began investigating it is that on the 3rd signal, the selected row would be reset to 0 ( which itself doesn't sound right, but that's another issue ). Now that I have only 2 signals, this behaviour has stopped and the form works as expected ( the code runs twice, but you only discover this inside a debugger - you can't tell from the form ).

What's going on?

Is there a signal I can use to catch when someone selects a row in a SimpleList that:
a) Won't get triggered if the SimpleList data is rebuild
b) Won't trigger multiple times?



Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
email: dkasak nusconsulting com au
Title: CanIt Vote for ID 45125

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