Bugfix applied to HEAD, also to stable?

Hi, I just applied the bugfix patch below to the head revision of the Gtk2

As I was not involved with dveelopment for quite some time, I don't know
much about the current release schedule. Should the fix below also be
applied to the current stable branch (stable-1-04) or only to head?

Thx :)

Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvsroot/gtk2-perl/gtk2-perl-xs/Gtk2/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.512
diff -u -p -r1.512 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog   15 May 2004 19:03:25 -0000      1.512
+++ ChangeLog   21 May 2004 02:30:57 -0000
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2004/05/21 02:28 (+0200) pcg
+        * xs/GtkTextBuffer.xs: Allow creation of anonymous marks.
 2004/05/15 20:58 (+0200) kaffeetisch
        * t/GdkEvent.t: Be a bit more tolerant to pass on older gtk+'s.
Index: xs/GtkTextBuffer.xs
RCS file: /cvsroot/gtk2-perl/gtk2-perl-xs/Gtk2/xs/GtkTextBuffer.xs,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -p -r1.23 GtkTextBuffer.xs
--- xs/GtkTextBuffer.xs 19 Apr 2004 18:18:43 -0000      1.23
+++ xs/GtkTextBuffer.xs 21 May 2004 02:30:57 -0000
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ gtk_text_buffer_insert_child_anchor (buf
        GtkTextIter *iter
        GtkTextChildAnchor *anchor
-GtkTextMark* gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, const gchar *mark_name, GtkTextIter *where, 
gboolean left_gravity);
+GtkTextMark* gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, const gchar_ornull *mark_name, GtkTextIter 
*where, gboolean left_gravity);
 ## void gtk_text_buffer_move_mark (GtkTextBuffer *buffer, GtkTextMark *mark, const GtkTextIter *where)

      -----==-                                             |
      ----==-- _                                           |
      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann      +--
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /       pcg goof com      |e|
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\       XX11-RIPE         --+
    The choice of a GNU generation                       |

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