Re: Gnome2-VFS

Torsten Schoenfeld said:
On Tue, 2004-06-15 at 06:03, muppet wrote:

it's a pretty easy fix; kaffee will probably have it done by the time i
wake up.  :-)

Well, unless you slept verrry long, I didn't quite make it, but still:
Including gperl.h instead of gtk2perl.h, making Glib the one and only
ancestor and adding "-I build" seems to do the trick.  Gnome2 compiles
too.  So that's cool.

still happened before i had a chance to look, so that counts.  :-)

But Gnome2 (and pretty much all the other modules) still inherits "-I
build" from somewhere else.  So that problem is not fixed yet.

unless you followed ross's suggestion of adding -Ibuild after saving the, Gnome2 probably gets two copies of -Ibuild (one from Gnome2::VFS
and one from Gtk2 via Gnome2::Canvas), which ExtUtils::Depends collapses into
one for you.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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