Re: Getting the name of a button.

muppet said:

Eric Depagne said:
I would like to know if it is possible to get the label of the button on
one clicks and assign it to let say $Name.

a button is a container, and when you create a button with new_with_label
(which is what Gtk::Button->new (string) does for you), the container has one
child, a GtkLabel.

try this (danger, will robinson, untested code!):

   # fetch the button's contained child
   $label = $button->get_child; # may be ->child, i don't remember for sure
   die "child isn't what i thought it was"
        unless 'Gtk::Label' eq ref $button;
   $label->set_text ($new_text);

(at least for Gtk2, i assume 1 does as well)

there's a method for getting the label of a button:
that should work for you purpose. if the button doesn't have a label it will
return undef.

foreach (@buttons)
    $_->signal_connect( clicked => sub {
        $btn = shift;
        $Name = $btn->get_label;
    } );

once again this is untested/compiled code but outside of syntax errors and
type-o's it should/will work.


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