Getting the name of a button.

Hi all.

I am using perlgtk0.7
I know I should upgrade, but I cannot, due to technical resons.

Is there a way to assign to any variable the label of a button?

I got this piece of code:
        for($i=0;$i<@columns;$i+=1) {
                $bouton = new Gtk::Button($i." ".$columns[$i]);
                $box2->pack_start($bouton, 1, 1, 0);
                show $bouton;

which creates buttons as long as @columns is not empty, and assigns the 
content of $columns[$i] as the label of the newly created button.

I would like to know if it is possible to get the label of the button on which 
one clicks and assign it to let say $Name.



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