[gtk2-perl-xs] GtkRadioButton RFC

earlier today i commited an attempt at getting Gtk2::RadioButton fully
supported in gtk2-perl-xs.

it is implemented quite differently from gtk2-perl (and gtk-perl for
that matter.)

for those of you so inclined, beat and bang it in an effort to break it.
for examples of how it's used see Gtk2/t/9.GtkRadioButton.t. also
general comments on the arch are desired.

the gist of it is that when creating a new Gtk2::RadioButton with any of
the new functions you can either supply a widget that is a member of a
group you would like this new one to be a member of (1) or you can
supply a reference to an array of radiobuttons (2) like you'd will get
from $rdobtn->get_group (3, which is the other main difference/change)


$rdobtn = Gtk2::RadioButton->new(undef, 'this is a label');

this creates a new radio button that is part of a new group. so now
doing the following will create another member of this group.

$rdobtn = Gtk2::RadioButton->new($rdobtn, 'this is another label');


or for a more complex, not really recomended b/c of the overhead, method
you can do the following.

$rdobtn = Gtk2::RadioButton->new( $rdobtn->get_group, 'this is another

this method is there so that things will behave much like their c
counterpart. also so that you can do things like this

for( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ )
        $rdobtns[$i] = Gtk2::RadioButton->new(\ rdobtns, $i);


the other advantage of this method is that you can iterate through the
array reference returned by $rdobtn->get_group in perl i.e.

foreach (@{$rdobtn->get_group})

you can perform operations on the group returned, but you can not modify
the group by adding/removing buttons in the perl array reference. this
should be done as is from c with the $rdobtn->set_group(xxx) function
which now takes a things in the manner of (1), (2).

in all likelihood there exist some bugs in the code (if not even core
dumps) i've tried it a bunch of ways, with the test script, and it
works. i would like for others to do the same with their own code.

i'll workup Gtk2::RadioMenuItem to do much the same very soon provided
that the consensus is that this is good. suggestions/comments/problems


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