Re: Ditribution of perl/GTK software

Well, there's saying "use debian", if you want to make *your* life
easier.  Giving people a list of dependencies that they can throw at
the -MCPAN interface is helpful too, ie, tell them up front.  One
example (not including the gtk/perl pieces yet) is the table at -- shows the perl names, the debian packages, and the
mandrake packages.  Right now, the combined (bins and bins-edit-gui)
packages have a dependency list of:

Depends: libio-string-perl, libstorable-perl, libimage-size-perl,
libimage-info-perl, perlmagick, libhtml-parser-perl,
libhtml-template-perl, liburi-perl, libxml-perl, libxml-grove-perl,
libxml-handler-yawriter-perl, libtext-iconv-perl,
liblocale-gettext-perl, libjpeg-progs, libgladexml-perl,
libglade-perl, libgnome-perl, libgtk-imlib-perl, libxml-writer-perl,

and it will probably grow; installing this on debian automatically
brings those in as-needed.

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