Re: Ditribution of perl/GTK software

Thanks for this.

Well, I've just tried with RedCarpet and you're right, one click was
enough to have GtkPerl installed on my box.

I'll try on my debian box tonight.

That's a pretty good news :))

Le mar 21/05/2002 à 15:54, eichin-gtk-perl thok org a écrit :
Well, there's saying "use debian", if you want to make *your* life
easier.  Giving people a list of dependencies that they can throw at
the -MCPAN interface is helpful too, ie, tell them up front.  One
example (not including the gtk/perl pieces yet) is the table at -- shows the perl names, the debian packages, and the
mandrake packages.  Right now, the combined (bins and bins-edit-gui)
packages have a dependency list of:

Depends: libio-string-perl, libstorable-perl, libimage-size-perl,
libimage-info-perl, perlmagick, libhtml-parser-perl,
libhtml-template-perl, liburi-perl, libxml-perl, libxml-grove-perl,
libxml-handler-yawriter-perl, libtext-iconv-perl,
liblocale-gettext-perl, libjpeg-progs, libgladexml-perl,
libglade-perl, libgnome-perl, libgtk-imlib-perl, libxml-writer-perl,

and it will probably grow; installing this on debian automatically
brings those in as-needed.

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Alexis Sukrieh, <alexis sukria net> -- Computer Scientist

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