Re: Ditribution of perl/GTK software


On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 12:13:09PM +0200, Alexis Sukrieh wrote:
# Hello there.
# I'm begining to write free software with Perl/GTK.
# Is there a way to send an "easy-to-install" package to users ?
# Indeed, I guess that if users want to use my piece of software, they
# should install GTK/Perl, Imlib, glib, gtk+, gdkpixpbuf, and so on ....

  Most linux distributions should have precompiled packages for glib,
gtk, gtk-perl etc.
# - How can I have something easy to use ?
# - Is GTK/Perl for every-day users or only for developers who are able to
# have full development package on their box ?

  Users and developers from 7 to 777 years old.

# Thanks for help.

Etienne Grossmann ------

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