Re: [gtk-osx-users] Using localization with "Application" menu with the gtk mac integration library.

Ok, I found a solution to my first question, but I really don’t understand the git format-patch HEAD^ 
command. running it just downloads the last comment done as a .patch file.  and what is ^s?  how is this 
suppose to effect my patch file?

On Nov 21, 2014, at 2:49 PM, Joshua Pettus <jshpettus gmail com> wrote:

I’d be happy too. Almost done and I made sure to do the commit messages as done in the source, but I have 
some basic questions.  What constitutes as a comment? Is it each line added and taken away or is it each 
section in the patch file? Is there a way I can get diff to recognize the GtkosxApplication.string.lang 
files as not being a binary?  Otherwise it just says the two are different and leaves it at that.


On Nov 21, 2014, at 2:00 PM, John Ralls <jralls ceridwen us> wrote:

On Nov 21, 2014, at 10:33 AM, Joshua Pettus <jshpettus gmail com> wrote:


I realize you are very busy, and I don’t mean to make myself more of a pest then I have,  but I fear 
between the localization strings being labeled incorrectly and quit and help items needing an update to 
take into account the automatically added application name, localization simply does not work as 
advertised. Also word order isn’t the same in all languages anyway.  Please update this whenever you get 
a free moment, as I hate having my own version of the library on my computer and is certainly not 
beneficial to others.  I updated the strings to how GIMP handled them. Just to have it all in one place, 
I’ll include Kevin Berningham’s suggestion into a patch file and put the updated strings folder 
(including the in a zip.  Unfortunately diff thought the strings were all binary files so I 
couldn’t just put them in the patch. :(

Thanks for the patches, but please open a bug in BZ, project gtk-mac-integration, and attach them there. 
Make the patches by cloning the git repo, making a branch against master, committing your changes to that 
branch with good commit messages, and run `git format-patch HEAD^`, adjusting the number of ^s for the 
number of commits.

John Ralls

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