Re: Can't unmount flash drive after GtkFileChooserDialog in Windows

Hi Ian,

On Tue, 23 Mar 2010 18:08:05 -0700 you wrote:
> So only stdin/out/err are open and the cwd is not on the flash drive. 
> What the heck else could be preventing Windows from un-mounting it?

Sadly it's probably some deep buried magic in Windows. The earlier post
about working directories was on the right lines, I suspect, except it's
not the application working directory that's the problem but some
internal cache record. I've seen this happen with Windows Exploder -
after browsing the flash drive it's sometimes not enough to browse away
and you need to close that explorer window to allow the safe removal.

You could try (though it's unlikely to help) explicitly setting the
file chooser's current directory to C:\ before you delete it.

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