Re: Center align labels in container using label top as reference

On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 09:22:40PM -0500, Vikram Noel Ambrose wrote:
> I have two labels in a horizontal box. left_label and right_label. I'd  
> like the first line of text in each label to be vertically aligned with  
> each other always. But at the same time I'd like both labels to be in  
> the center (vertical) of the box they have been placed in.
> In other words, I'm looking for a gtk_misc_set_alignment that will allow  
> me to pass a 3rd and 4th option - the child's reference coordinates.
> Does anyone know how to align the labels like that?

It might not be the best method, but putting them to a vertical size
group will do the trick.


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