Re: Question about gtk_label_set_justify()

If the program is Chinese-only and gives up the possibility
to be ever internationalized right away, well, one can
create a Pango layout, measure all the glyphs in the label,
calculate the space to put between them and then render the
glyphs one by one to the calculated positions -- this all
encapsulated in a new widget, something like MyChineseSpreadLabel.
Of course this assumes there is an easy way to tell how
a string is broken to glyphs for Chinese.
Almost forgot. Breaking Chinese into individual glyphs is simple. In 
most cases, 1 character = 1 glyph with Hanzi.
Mark Leisher
Computing Research Lab             Nowadays, the common wisdom is to
New Mexico State University        celebrate diversity - as long as you
Box 30001, MSC 3CRL                don't point out that people are
Las Cruces, NM  88003              different.    -- Colin Quinn

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