Re: [Fwd: GTK+ without X]

Roman <RomanJordan gmx de> writes:
> that looks fine. The processor inside the webpanel is a intel strongarm. This is
> an 32 bit ARM based processor. There i think are no problems.

Right, that's probably one of the best-supported non-Intel
platforms. Regular (non-framebuffer) GTK already runs on it. So I
wouldn't expect any issues.

> At the moment i have
> a running linux with framebuffer and kernel touch screen interface. So i could be
> that there is no to much work to get it run for gtkfb. But yesterday i downloaded
> the actual sources (freetype, glibc, gtk) via cvs. If i want to compile it, i have
> to use ./autogen. But this uses the libtool for linking, which makes a build
> (configure) for X86. Because the host is x86 based. Is there any possibility
> (without chenging to arm pc or without editing the libtool via ldconfig)?
> Something like --target=arm-linux (i used them, but it  had not
> effect).

We have a bunch of people at Red Hat who could answer this question,
but I personally have no idea. ;-) You might want to try the
automake/autoconf/libool book, it probably explains how to do this.

You don't have to use autogen, you can run the autotools yourself, if
that helps - autogen is just a simple convenience script that runs
automake, autoconf, maybe libtoolize, etc.

> By the way. Whats the size of the whole compiled package? Including anything
> necessary for running applications.

I believe the size of all the installed stuff from GTK and
dependencies is a bit over 2 megs. As I said, you can do a custom GTK
compile to strip out stuff you aren't using, or you can statically
link, potentially you could reduce that by a megabyte or more. We
haven't yet experimented much to see how small it can get, but we're
sure there is a lot of stuff you could remove easily.

Of course in addition to GTK you need your kernel, your C library, and
the application itself.


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