Re: [Fwd: GTK+ without X]

Roman <RomanJordan gmx de> writes: 
> Hello,
> i am absolutely new in this mailing list. I found some press releases
> about GTK+ without X. Where can i get more information?

It's still being developed, so we don't have formal white papers or
anything yet. We can answer specific questions on this list.

Basically it's just a framebuffer port, as you might expect. It has
exactly the same programming interface as regular GTK 1.3.x (unstable
version leading up to 2.0). Its on-disk size is around 2.5 megabytes,
with all stuff compiled in; custom compiles can be a good bit smaller.

> Is there a touch interface included? Perhaps like the interface used in
> Qt?

What do you mean by touch interface?


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