Re: [gtk-list] C/GTK+ versus C++/GTK--/QT

	   - is there a decent tutorial/manual on gtk-- ?

Not that I've found.  The thing is, gtk-- is a really, really thin
wrapper.  You can find the names of methods in gtk--, it's pretty
obvious what gtk+ functions they correspond to (and if it's not,
the .gen_h files are pretty easy to read to find out), and then the
gtk+ documentation applies.  I tell my students you just have to look
at gtk+ and squint until it looks like c++, after which it's easy.

	   - what do you think about C++ and gtk-- ?

I like it a lot.  That's what I've been doing my development in for a
little over a year now.  Compared to Motif it's like I've finally got
a real toolkit to work in.

	   - what do you think about C++ and QT ?

I don't know anything about QT.

	   - some ideas on using plain C and GTK+ on OO programming.

I like the close coupling provided by gtk--, in that I can subclass
from a widget type to implement the actual functionality I need.  But
if you want to, there is nothing keeping you from making gtk+ calls
from C++.
Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr., Ph.D.       Phone -- (505) 646-1605
Department of Computer Science       FAX   -- (505) 646-1002
New Mexico State University

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