C/GTK+ versus C++/GTK--/QT

	i don't wan't to start a flame war but here it goes...
 I wan't to start a semi-large project (free not comercial) and i have
   no real problems programming with C and GTK+, but recently I read a C++ 
tutorial and i think it would be better to start with C++. After this i went 
to see GTK-- and honestly I found the thing a bit confusing , comparing it to 
C/GTK+ or C++/QT. I've never programmed with C++ or QT, but started to read 
the QT tutorial. Now , my

	- is there a decent tutorial/manual on gtk-- ?
	- what do you think about C++ and gtk-- ?
	- what do you think about C++ and QT ?
	- some ideas on using plain C and GTK+ on OO programming.

	Thank you,
						Nuno Sucena

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