Re: [gtk-list] Re: announce: yet another gtk+ C++ wrapper (no caps as Owen suggest)

On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Guillaume Laurent wrote:
>It is pointless to free memory on application termination : the system
>does that for you, and not caring about object deletion simply means
>leaking memory whenever you're creating a new object.

you should'nt explain me such things, i'm not so inexperienced programmer :-)
besides the fact that now VDK makes an interleaved gc using idle call,
neverthless having a system that takes care for you memory freeing can
avoid some dangerous situations like deleting twice a damned pointer.
(never happened to you ?)

>As far as GC goes, I wonder how you're doing it...
using idle call i explained above. (user can uninstall/install it)

>Of course not, but do you really think it's worth limiting the
>flexibility of something as widely used as signals just because a few
>applications might need something faster ? Why putting on every
>developper the limitations imposed by the speed requirements of some
>very specific apps that very few people are ever going to use ?
i'm not speaking about limitations nor less flexibility, above requirements
should be "and" not "xor"'ed .

>You're missing my point : VDKPixmapButton is just symptomatic of what
>I'm trying to explain which is that you are currently writing some
>classes which would be better written over Gtk--. As far as duplicate
>code goes, it's just a couple hundred lines, nobody cares. But please
>compare it with Pixmap_Tipped_Button.

we are definetely in differents frequencies :-)
is'nt bad, diversity is ever a good thing.

Mario Motta
AI Research Group - Rimini

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