Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gnome/GtkCanvas (was Re: gtk_args_collect & gnome--)

On Tue, Sep 08, 1998 at 05:07:05PM -0500, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> > Gnome is not a windowma^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H GUI toolkit.  To
> > facilitate this, we should rename GnomeCanvas as soon as possible to
> > GtkCanvas.  The canvas is more like gtkcalender than gnome-app.  I
> > think that no egos will be harmed due to this renaming, right? ;)
> The point is not an ego problem at all, I will explain the reason.
> You have to understand that one of our goals (speaking for the GNOME
> project) is to make a consistent desktop.
> Now, if we keep the Canvas in the GNOME libraries, people will install
> the GNOME libraries because it has got a cool canvas.  They will
> eventually figure out that the gnome libraries include other candies
> hiding there that facilitates their life.  Then, programmers will
> slowly start using those utility functions in the gnome-libraries in
> their own applications: and thus help make their programs consistent
> with the rest of the GNOME desktop.

The best way to do this is to make GNOME look nice and list those
real features, not by this type of combining-products marketing. 

The great part about UNIX is its built on a large number of little 
utilities that do things well.  GTK+ does the toolkit part well.  

Imagine if you still had to download and install GIMP to get GTK+!

> Now, independently of that fact (the fact that we want to increase the
> user base of the gnome-libraries), the Gnome Canvas has some features
> that depend on Gdk_Imlib, which is not part of Gtk yet.
> Yes, the code can be splitted: one part of the Canvas goes in Gtk, the
> other goes in Gnome.  But I do not want to see the code splited.
> Federico and I discussed this before the canvas was implemented: we
> choose to call it a Gnome widget, because none of his previous widgets
> for the GNOME project gave the Gnome libraries a larger user base (the
> handle box and the toolbar).  People did not see any reason to use the
> Gnome libraries at all.  So, we decided to make the new widgets, Gnome
> widget that would stay on the gnome-libraries and thus encourage
> people to look at more things they could use. 
> On top of that, I want to add some form of font rendering and
> postscript printing to the Canvas.  Of course, this will include some
> default font setup and some default font policies, and those will be
> part of the Gnome framework.  

What part of that don't you want for all widgets, expecially widgets
like GtkText?  

> Miguel.
> -- 
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Shawn T. Amundson           

"The assumption that the universe looks the same in every
 direction is clearly not true in reality." - Stephen Hawking

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