Re: [gtk-list] Re: Gnome/GtkCanvas (was Re: gtk_args_collect & gnome--)

On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Shawn T . Amundson wrote:

> The best way to do this is to make GNOME look nice and list those
> real features, not by this type of combining-products marketing. 
> The great part about UNIX is its built on a large number of little 
> utilities that do things well.  GTK+ does the toolkit part well.  
> Imagine if you still had to download and install GIMP to get GTK+!

Worse, JUST BECAUSE Gnome has a really cool Canvas widget, imagine having
to download Gnome just to use the later versions of GIMP and/or any of its

> > On top of that, I want to add some form of font rendering and
> > postscript printing to the Canvas.  Of course, this will include some
> > default font setup and some default font policies, and those will be
> > part of the Gnome framework.  

Have you considered adding any type of print services BESIDES Postscript?
Postscript is relatively rare among those of us who can't afford
enterprise-level Laserjets, ya know...

How about WYSIWYG output on HP Office Jets?  Cannon bubble-jets?  My
crappy 24-pin dot matrix printer (that still works great!)?  Without the
use of enormous memory hogging Postscript interpretters?  I can go and get
a cheap laser printer that understands HPGL, but is incapable of
supporting Postscript, for well under $500. 

This is perhaps the NUMBER ONE reason why Linux isn't used for serious
desktop productivity right now -- it can't print!  What's presented on the
screen is one thing -- that has already been mastered.  Now let's start to
tackle the paper output side of things.

      KC5TJA/6     |                  -| TEAM DOLPHIN |-
        DM13       |                  Samuel A. Falvo II
    QRP-L #1447    |
   Oceanside, CA   |......................................................

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