Re: [gtk-list] Re: gtk or gtk--

Just thought of a nother one. Netscape has declared gtk+ their toolkit of
choice for developement of netscape on unix plattform as of now. That is not a
reason in itself, but shows that there must good reasons to  use gtk, as well
as that it could mean that gtk is going to be gaining even more momentum in
its development.


Cyrille Artho wrote:

> Thanks to all people who responded to my question. I see it like this:
> - In terms of documentation, qt is a clear winner.
> - qt and gtk-- are more elegant than gtk+ due to the OOP implementation.
> - gtk+ is the most advanced toolkit now (though still under heavy
> development)
> - gtk-- keeps lagging behind gtk+ for the near future, but will
> hopefully catch up sooner or later.
> - qt and gtk-- look nearly the same, and a text file at
> indicates that a conversion is not too hard.
> - Personally I think a C++ implementation is much more elegant. Because
> the GUI part of the project will not be developed before the end of
> December, I still have a few weeks before making a final decision. I
> will check out the unfinished tutorial from the CVS tree, too.
> I wish best luck to both gtk projects (and also qt and harmony), and I
> hope that gtk-- 1.0 is reached during this year.
> --
> Regards,
> Cyrille Artho
> --
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