Re: [gtk-list] RE: how to get notification of change in entry???

> If we want to catch when the user has entered text, we can connect
> to the activate or changed signal. Activate is raised when the user
> hits the enter key within the Entry widget. Changed is raised when the
> text changes at all, e.g. for every character entered or removed.

I only get "changed" events, when I get "activated" events as well. i.e
if i change a single char, no "changed" is signaled, only on typing
return ;-(

my fault?

I looked into the sources, and I actually didn't see, where changed
could be emitted. 

Thanks for the fast answer, I hope, this one is as easy to answer ;-)
| Sebastian Wilhelmi, Institut fuer Rechnerentwurf und Fehlertoleranz, |
| Universitaet Karlsruhe;  Gebaeude 20.20, Raum 263, D-76128 Karlsruhe |
| mail:; fax: +49 721 370455; fon: +49 721 6084353 |
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