Re: Indic scripts are talking more vertical space than latin character

Better late than never!!! :-)

shiplu said on Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 03:25:21PM +0600,:

 > Is there any way that I can tune it?
 > Like I'll detect if its indic script, I'll put some code so that it
 > takes smaller space.

I doubt you will want to do that. 

Since most indic scripts have glyph forms / combining 
forms which may cause vertical stacking. Since uniform
spacing between lines is desirable, I guess the font 
makers have put in too much vertical space for the font.

If a font is taking up too much vertical space, it may be 
a problem with the font's design too.

Mahesh T. Pai   ||  http://[paivakil|fizzard]
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
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