How would I change the text style in a gedit plugin?

I'm a GTK noob, so sorry if I'm asking too much.

I'm trying to change the style of text in gedit through a plugin (sort of like underlining text as in a 
spellcheck, or change the color of text).

I have a document like this:

doc = self.window.get_active_document()
Then I get bounds

start, end = doc.get_bounds() num_lines = end.get_line() - start.get_line() + 1 line_start = start.copy() for 
i in range(0, num_lines): line_end = line_start.copy() line_end.forward_to_line_end() 
doc.create_tag().background="blue" line = line_start.get_slice(line_end) if line.startswith('\n'): line='\n' 
lines.append(line) line_start.forward_line()
But the background doesn't change. Is there something else I should do?

Thank you very much

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