Set CSS properties programmatically


I have been looking for a clean way of updating my widget's css
properties programmatically at runtime.

Basically I have a css animation which gets its properties from
variables in my C code.

The current (working) approach I came up with is to benefit from the
cascade and generate a whole new css definition for the animation
every time my variable changes and use GtkStyleProvider.load_from_css
(my_new_animation_css_spec). For this to work I need to set the
"animation-name" to have a new and unique value, overwriting the
previous one. This doesn't sound efficient at all.

My desire is to get the "animation" property of my class, and be able
to update only what changes in it. It can already be done for some
properties via GtkStyleContext.get_property.

All in all, is there a better way of doing this? Will there ever be?


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