Re[2]: Re[2]: Re[2]: argv

Don't forget that GTK is already running on top of the Windows command line
and therefore I have no direct access to it. Everything is processed by GTK
before I can ever get to it for myself.

I do suspect that Windows may be the cause of this issue, but I have no proof
of it. One way to narrow down this issue was to see if anybody could reproduce
this issue, but that isn't going to happen.

Don't worry about it though, I am abandoning this project as of today.

On 4/16/2016 at 10:29 AM, Errol van de l'Isle <evandel cix co uk> wrote:

Yes, I have a test program and it is the one I am debugging, and no,
it won't
Is this test program in C and uses GTK so that you can confirm that you
are not getting any command line sent to the application. This way you
could narrow down where the error is. If the C test program gets the
arguments then it is your code. If it does not then you need to look
else where.

There are other possibilities to look for which are Microsoft specific.
Which can prevent arguments being passed.
-us/library/zay8tzh6.aspx could be an issue. There can be different C
run time start up code so make sure that you have one and the right

You can get the command line using the Microsoft API https://msdn.micro and h
us/library/windows/desktop/bb776391%28v=vs.85%29.aspx which is what the
C runtime will call anyway.

one of the (hidden) reasons I came here. Is this just a problem with
Don't hide information

I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay,
I sleep all night and I work all day.

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