
To all my fellow developers,

I can see that I am not going to get anywhere with anyone in this group
regarding my GTK issue, so I am abandoning my GTK+ project and moving on
because it was a critical problem. But before I move on, I think other
programmers like myself should know why I choose GTK+ in the first place.

Good things about GTK+:

1) Cross-OS. I can use it on Mac, Windows, and Linux. All I need to do is
change linkers to do so.

2) Glade. Even a programmer wannabee could almost learn how to make cross-OS
programs using Glade. I especially like how you could use it with the
gtk_builder() functions. I will really, really miss this part of GTK.

3) Simplicity. It is far, far easier to program the GTK+ GUI than it is with
the Windows or Mac GUI. The code is smaller, has less bloat, is consistent in
it's use of functions, and is therefore far easier to read.

4) Mature. It has all the functionality you need. Nice looking components,
themes, etc. Thoroughly documented as it should be.

Bad things about GTK+:

1) Not exactly end-user friendly. I could package the GTK+ runtimes with my
application, but it would turn my little tiny program into a massive download.
I could avoid this by telling my end-users to install GTK+ for themselves, but
the vast majority of end-users are not programmers and do not want to have to
perform the necessary steps to install a compiler to use to compile the GTK+
libraries. Grandmama and grandpapa just want everything to be plug and play,
and GTK+ is definitely not plug and play.

2) Not exactly programmer friendly. Because of number one above, I would have
to create another project just to provide another application to install GTK+,
or I would have to create a horrible-to-maintain manual for end-users to
install GTK+ that would be too complicated for most grandmamas and grandpapas
to understand anyways.

3) Licensing. If I provide my own installer for the GTK+ libraries, I will
have to provide and maintain my own separate copy of the code. This is way too
much work for such a simple thing.

4) Little to no community support. This forum was a perfect example of that,
but it isn't just GTK, it is the entire Linux community. I remember running
into a problem with Ubuntu when it first came out. If I lost power or
accidentally removed my USB stick before unmounting it, it would brick my
stick and only a Windows computer could unbrick it (with Window's scan and
repair, which Ubuntu couldn't do because it said the stick had an "unknown
file system"). The community response was horrid. I had a workaround but
Ubuntu never got it fixed to my knowledge.

5) Scary group. Like Microsoft and their dramatic move from Win7 to Win8, GTK
had a winning formula but then threw it all away and started from scratch
again. If you have a winning formula, stick to it!! GTK got lucky because GTK3
appears to be just as good as GTK2, but their dramatic move caused a loss of
customers, just like Win8 and Win10 has or will. It also makes me leery of the
GTK project leaders because how do we know they won't throw GTK3 out the
window with the next release of GTK4, making all my previous programs

With the release of Win8 and Win10, I *WILL* abandon Windows. Microsoft has
abandoned me, a loyal customer, for what I think are purely profit based
reasons, so I will abandon them. But where to go? While there is a lot to like
about Linux, there is a lot to dislike about it too, so it is the lessor of
two evils instead of an actual choice. Mac is very good but way too expensive
and has limited hardware. Imagine trying to create a startup up on a limited
budget, and equipping all your users with a Mac. You could go broke before you
even started. You can develop custom hardware, but it can only be USB or
Bluetooth based only. Good luck trying to develop any other type of hardware
to run on a Mac. And if you find a programming issue with a Mac, good luck
trying to get them to admit it or change it, unless you are a multi-billion
dollar corp.

So I am becoming homeless in the OS world, with no one to turn to and nowhere
to go. But in the meantime, I can pretend to still be going somewhere
eventually, hence the reason for turning to GTK. But with that out of the
picture, my current choices are: AntTweakBar, MyGuy, Agar, QT, oZone, MiniGUI,
Awesome, Awesomium, Crazy Eddies' GUI, OpenGUI, and TK. There are many more,
but these are the only ones I am going to look at.

Wish me luck and I will wish you luck,


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