Re: final gtk+maverick battles

On 02/17/2014 05:05 AM, Bric wrote:
FWIF:  with this drive to keep upgrading, I just lost a critical hour of 
sleep (I start new class material today and needed to be rested) because 
I messed up the one and only thing you should NEVER mess up in your 
system:  network (wifi) connection (if you are out and about and have no 
way of plugging into ethernet):  With my eye on the 14.04 prize, I 
checked "unsupported" and "pre-release" packages in Update Manager, so 
it went ahead and installed newer linux-firmware, which screwed up my 
wifi connection.  Luckily, I was still near an ethernet port, and 
downgraded.  Again, just a caveat/caution for anyone who might try to 
draw from this experience.

Years ago I was trying to install software that required a newer libc
than I had, so I naively tried to uninstall glibc.  (Redhat 5.1 I
think.)  Needless to say that didn't work too well and I had reinstall.
 Also I had a friend running Gentoo who decided she didn't want python,
so she tried to uninstall it.  Needless to say, she too reinstalled.

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