Re: GTK+3 fonts

On 10/21/2012 04:16 AM, Roger Davis wrote:
Any explanation for these mysteries, or any pointers to some decent 
documentation on Gnome 2/3 font configuration and installation?

If you are using Gtk+3 with the native/quartz backend, then the fonts it
uses are coming from the native OS X font system.  If you are using the
X11 backend, then the fonts come from where ever freetype is configured
to pull them from, which on OS X could be somewhere in the macports
install directory, and maybe from the OS X system font directory.  Most
fonts on OS X are *.otf, not *.ttf, which could be why you can't find
them with a search.

As for font rendering differences, if you are using the quartz backend,
then it's likely that the font rendering is being done by OS X and
quartz, not freetype.  So any differences are a result of their
algorithms (which do no font hinting whatsoever).

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